
How the DNC Roll Call Showcased Voices from 57 States and Territories - The New York Times

There was a fisherman in Alaska, a veteran firefighter in Connecticut and the father of a student killed in a school shooting in Parkland, Fla.

There was a fourth-generation family farmer in Kansas, a recent college graduate in Montana, a registered nurse in New York and a tribal activist in South Dakota.

And finally, after a roughly 30-minute virtual tour of America, there were Gov. John Carney and Senator Tom Carper of Delaware, standing at the Joseph R. Biden Jr. Railroad Station in Wilmington.

“I have known Joe Biden for 40 years,” Mr. Carper said. “There’s nobody I trust more to lead our party, unite the country and restore our standing in the world.”

Then, together, as the 56 states and territories before them had done, the two Delaware politicians cast the state’s 32 official nominating votes for their favorite son, Mr. Biden, to become the Democratic Party’s nominee for president, capping a convention roll call unlike any other.

Here is a quick rundown of people who cast votes Tuesday night, where they spoke from, and selected remarks they made.

Credit...Democratic National Convention

ALABAMA Representative Terri Sewell:

“If we want to honor John Lewis’s incredible life, let’s restore the voting rights act and ensure our democracy belongs to all Americans.”

ALASKA Chuck Degnan, veteran, fisherman and party activist

AMERICAN SAMOA Aliitama Sotoa and Patti Matila, party leaders

ARIZONA Marisol Garcia, middle school social studies teacher

ARKANSAS Gilbert Alaquinez, chef

CALIFORNIA Hilda Solis, former U.S. secretary of labor, and Representative Barbara Lee

COLORADO Howard Chou, immigrant and party activist:

“We’ve been able to make a decent living. We’re extremely lucky. But now we have three family members that tested positive for Covid, and it just doesn’t feel safe to put Evan and Emma back to school. This is going to be hard on them and on us. But millions of working families will have it much harder. I know Joe Biden cares about these struggles, and that’s why I trust him to fight for us.”

CONNECTICUT Peter Carozza, veteran firefighter

Credit...Democratic National Convention

DELAWARE Gov. John Carney, left, and Senator Tom Carper:

“Our nation faces daunting challenges. But I’ve known Joe Biden for 40 years and there’s nobody I trust more to lead our party, unite the country and restore our standing in the world. What’s more he’s humble, he tells the truth and treats everybody he encounters with respect and builds bridges, not walls,” Mr. Carper said.

“Delaware is proud to cast 32 votes for our favorite son and our next president,” Mr. Carney added.

DEMOCRATS ABROAD Julia Bryan, organizer


FLORIDA Fred Guttenberg, gun safety activist:

“When my daughter was murdered in Parkland, Joe Biden called to share our family’s grief. I quickly learned about decency and his civility. But I also learned about his toughness, and how he’s beaten the N.R.A. Together, with other victims of gun violence, and our nation’s youth, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will take on the N.R.A. again and win.”

GEORGIA State Senator Nikema Williams

GUAM Sarah Thomas-Nededog, state party chair

HAWAII Dr. Amy Agbayani, civil rights activist

IDAHO Mayor Lauren McLean

ILLINOIS Former Senator Carol Moseley Braun

Credit...Democratic National Convention

INDIANA Pete Buttigieg, former South Bend mayor:

“Here in South Bend, we once feared that our best days were behind us. But then we reimagined our economy with new jobs and even new industries. The Hoosier State is ready to lead America’s recovery with our diverse community, our talented workers and our best-in-the-world agriculture. Joe Biden’s plan gives us a blueprint to revitalize industrial cities and rural areas alike.”

IOWA Former Gov. Tom Vilsack

KANSAS Mark Pringle, fourth-generation family farmer

KENTUCKY Colmon Elridge, education advocate:

“One day when I was 14, my mom wouldn’t wake up. Calling 911, I was scared, not only because she was sick but because I knew we couldn’t afford the bill. Thank God she survived. When I told Joe Biden the story in 2008, he promised to continue to fight for folks like us and got busy passing Obamacare. Two years ago, when Mom had a heart attack, we only had to worry about her getting better, because Joe kept his promise.”

LOUISIANA Representative Cedric Richmond and Mayor LaToya Cantrell of New Orleans

MAINE State Representative Craig Hickman

MARYLAND City Council President Brandon Scott and Bianca Shah, college student

MASSACHUSETTS State Representative Claire Cronin

Credit...Democratic National Convention

MICHIGAN Senator Gary Peters, left, and Ray Curry of the United Auto Workers

MINNESOTA Senator Amy Klobuchar and Mayor Melvin Carter of St. Paul:

I’m here in Minnesota, the home of the head waters of the Mississippi River,” Senator Klobuchar said. “We know that a bridge shouldn’t fall down in the middle of America. But it did. And we came together to rebuild it. That’s what we do in America. That’s what Joe Biden will do as president. He’ll build back better. He’ll cross the river of our divides and unite the country, from our cities to our suburbs to rural areas.”

MISSISSIPPI Dr. Carmen Walters, president of Tougaloo College

MISSOURI Reuben Gill, bricklayer

MONTANA Rachel Prevost, recent college graduate

NEBRASKA Geraldine Waller, meatpacking plant employee:

“I work at a meat packing plant, making sure grocery store shelves stay full. They call us essential workers, but we get treated like we’re expendable. Workers are dying from Covid, and a lot of us don’t have paid sick leave or even quality protective equipment. We are human beings, not robots, not disposable. We want to keep helping you feed your family, but we need a president who will have our backs.”

Credit...Democratic National Convention

NEVADA Representative Dina Titus


NEW JERSEY Gov. Phil Murphy

NEW MEXICO State Representative Derrick Lente, a Sandia Pueblo tribal member:

“Greetings and good evening. My name is Derrick Lente, state representative, coming to you from the homeland of my ancestors, here at the beautiful Pueblo Sandia. New Mexico is a diverse state, home to 23 Indigenous sovereign nations with a rich multicultural history. We are all united by the love of the beautiful place that we call home. And we believe that we owe it to the next generation to protect the natural and cultural resources that are their inheritance, and to that end, also respect tribal sovereignty.”

Credit...Democratic National Convention

NEW YORK Scheena Iyande Tannis, right, a registered nurse and union member

NORTH CAROLINA Cozzie Watkins, Democratic activist:

“I have been doing this for a long time, so let me just be plain: Black people, especially Black women, are the backbone of the party, and if we don’t show up, Democrats don’t get elected. I’m putting on my mask, and we’re going to every corner in North Carolina to help organize because we need to make sure everyone shows up for Joe Biden. He will show up for us.”

NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS Nola Kileleman Hix, party chair

OHIO Josh Abernathy, union organizer, and Representative Tim Ryan:

“It seems like every time working people believe in a Donald Trump promise, they wind up getting screwed. Well, Joe Biden has more than just a promise. He actually has a plan to bring jobs back to America,” Mr. Abernathy said.

OKLAHOMA Alicia Andrews, state party chair

OREGON Dr. Rosa Colquitt, activist and Travis Nelson, registered nurse

PENNSYLVANIA Senator Bob Casey

PUERTO RICO Senator Carmelo Rios-Santiago

Credit...Democratic National Convention

RHODE ISLAND State Representative Joseph McNamara:

“Rhode Island, the Ocean State, where our restaurant and fishing industry have been decimated by this pandemic, are lucky to have a governor, Gina Raimondo, whose program lets our fisherman sell their catches directly to the public and our state appetizer, calamari, is available in all 50 states.”

SOUTH CAROLINA Jaime Harrison, Senate candidate

SOUTH DAKOTA Kellen Returns From Scout, tribal activist

TENNESSEE Keely Sage, college student

Credit...Democratic National Convention

TEXAS Representative Veronica Escobar:

“A year ago my safe community of El Paso was targeted by a domestic terrorist who murdered 23 innocent people, injured 23 more and devastated all of us. His motive was racism and xenophobia. In the face of hate, we choose love. Siempre lo hemos hecho, siempre lo haremos. And in the face of continued gun violence in America we demand change. The time has come to act.”

UTAH Mayor Jenny Wilson of Salt Lake County:

“Here in Utah we’ve had mail-in voting for years. If you’re registered to vote, you automatically get sent a ballot. It’s fast and reliable, and it’s easy for everyone to participate. In 2016 we had turnout well over 80 percent. And this year we’re expecting even higher. That’s why Democrats and Republicans here in Utah agree: Mail-in voting strengthens our democracy.”

VERMONT Lt. Gov. David Zuckerman, candidate for governor

VIRGIN ISLANDS Cecil Benjamin, party chair

VIRGINIA Khizr Khan, activist:

“Three years ago, my beloved city, Charlottesville, Va., was attacked by white supremacists and a young woman was killed. We were attacked again when Donald Trump praised those racists, turning his back on a community that just wanted peace. That was the day Joe Biden decided to join this battle for the soul of America. Over time, my wife, Ghazala, and I have come to know his soul. He’s a decent, compassionate man. He will bring this nation together.”

WASHINGTON State Representative My-Linh Thai:

“As a 15-year-old refugee from Vietnam, I knew that education was a key to finding opportunities in my new home. When having children of my own, I became an advocate to improve the public education system that gave me a chance to contribute to our America. Democrats invest in education because we are committed to fighting for all kids.”

WEST VIRGINIA Fred Albert, veteran educator and union organizer

Credit...Gabriela Bhaskar for The New York Times

WISCONSIN Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes

WYOMING Judy and Dennis Shepard, activists:

“After our son Matthew’s death in Wyoming, Joe Biden helped pass the legislation to protect L.G.B.T.Q. Americans from hate crimes. Joe understands more than most our grief over Matt’s death. But we see in Joe so much of what made Matt’s life special: his commitment to equality, his passion for social justice and his compassion for others,” Mr. Shepard said.

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August 19, 2020 at 11:14AM

How the DNC Roll Call Showcased Voices from 57 States and Territories - The New York Times
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